Monday, July 29, 2013

My All

The Lord has recently been teaching me so much about His heart and His desire for me through Mark 12:30, " Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."

 I wanted to share a couple paragraphs that stuck out to me from Misty Edwards book "What Is the Point?: Discovering life's deeper meaning and purpose."

"The reason Jesus asks us to love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength is because that is how He loves us.  Paul wrote that God's love is beyond our ability to fully comprehend without the Holy Spirit's help and the time span of eternity to discover more and more of it (Eph. 3:18-19) We cannot comprehend the vast ocean of God's love, but when we see His high demand for "all," we see He is not asking anything from us He Himself does not give.  We are equally yoked to Jesus not by the size of our love but by the all of our love.  Though our all is small, it is still our all.  The Lord values our commitment to continually grow in love.  The reach of our heart to love Him moves Him.  If we do not quit, then we win.  
We come to the place where we no longer find our identity in our failure but in the fact that God loves us, in the gift of righteousness (2 Cor. 5:17), and in the cry of our spirit to love God.  Our weak attempts move Him, and this is when life becomes meaningful and dynamic.  The purpose of life is to love Him with our all and to be loved by Him.  As we are seeing, this is no small task, but it is a life-consuming journey that affects everything about us.  We have been given this dignity called the free will.  This free will enables us to choose, and when we choose to give Jesus what He wants, it moves Him deeply.  The fact that we can move God gives our lives more meaning and more purpose than anything."

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